Sunday, May 6, 2012

The Life Cycle of Stars

Hello I am back and now I am going to be talking about the life cycle of star. In my last blog I told what a star was and how it works. This time I am going to tell you their cycle of how they live.

First of all a star is formed by a big cloud of gas. This cloud of gas is made out of hydrogen and heleium. The cloud of gas and dust becomes more dense over some years. Then the cloud collapses and turns into a star  Some stars that already died can create another star.

Our Sun is a main-sequnce star. That means that the sun is yellow or orange. Also when it dies it will turn into a red giant and implode into a white dwarf. A main-sequence star is a yellow dwarf.

A supernova is what happens when a star dies. Supernovas rarely happen. When a red giant explodes it turns into gas and dust. That is what we call a supernova. Our sun would not become a supernova because it is a yellow dwarf. 

Would our sun be a black hole?
Our sun would not become a black hole it will become a white dwarf.

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Suns and Stars

Hello I am back and I am going to tell you about suns and stars. Do you now what suns and stars are? TOO BAD! I am going to tell you how they shine, how they change over time, and how scientist classify stars.

Nuclear Fusion

 The hotter something is, the more atoms move. When the atoms move they crash into each other. If atoms move quick enough they could stick together. This is called nuclear fusion. This nuclear fusion sends out lots of energy. This energy helps stars live. 

Why stars shine?
First of all a star is large ball of gas that is held together by the gravity in space. A stars core can reach millions degrees celsius. When the energy leaves a star's core it goes through the star and spreads or shines in space.
Inside of the sun
There are 6 parts of a sun. The Sun has a huge magnetic field. It is about 10 times bigger than ours. The magnetic field is not a part of the layers. Whenever a star is formed all stars are filled with hydrogen and helium in their cores. The layers of the sun are the Corona, Chromosphere, Photosphere, Core, Radiative zone, and the Convection zone. The Corona is the part of the sun when we see a solar eclipse.

How do scientists classify stars?

Some scientists classify stars on their temperature, color, and mass.   Did you know that the a red sun is the coolest star? The white and blue stars are the hottest stars.  The white and blue stars have the most mass because they are bigger. 

How does the sun change over time?
Lots of things can happen to the sun in a short amount of time. Some suns can have sunspots or solar flares. Sunspots are dark spots on the sun caused by its huge magnetic field. Also a star can get bigger and bigger until it reaches earth and then implodes.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Science Fair!!!!!!!!!!

 Hello I'm back! Today I am going to tell you about my science fair project. It is going to be like a behind the scenes on the science fair. 

First I am going to tell you about how I felt at the science fair. I was really nervous and scared about the science fair.  It was my first project that I had to present. It was not easy to pick a topic. There were lots of topics to choose from. I got my idea project idea from about  My project title was "Can plants survive better inside or outside?" I chose this because I thought it would teach me a lot about plants and how they grow in the sun and inside.


These pictures were taken on the first day I began my project.

Monday, March 12, 2012

Outer Planets

Hello I'm back. Today I am going to tell you about the outer planets. If you have been counting this is my third blog about space. Thats because space is awesome.

All of the outer planets are Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune. The outer planets are made of gases. Most of the gases on the planets are hydrogen and helium. All of the outer planets have no surfaces. If you would go in to one of the outer planets there would be a lot of storms on the planet. The storms on the planets are like 100 times worse than the storms on earth.

Jupiter is the biggest planet in the Solar System. It is best known for its great red spot. That spot is a giant storm. It is the biggest storm in the solar system. You can fit about 2 earths in it. I bet you did not know that.
Great Red Spot

As I was saying Jupiter is the biggest planet. It So big that you can fit 1000 earths in it. It takes about 12 earth years to do on orbit around the sun. It also spins faster than all the other planets. Just like all the other outer planets Jupiter has rings. Jupiter has the most moons. It has 63 moons. Jupiter is made of hydrogen and helium. Some sciencetist say that Jupiter could have been a sun or a star. Thats because it had all the things that a star needed to have. 

Saturn is the second largest planet in the solar system. Saturn is best known for its rings. From far away its rings look solid. The rings are mainly made of particles of ice. Saturn's atmosphere is made of hydrogen and helium. Saturn has a solid core and is the least dense planet. If you put Saturn in a giant lake it would float. Saturn has 60 moons. Some of these moons help the rings stay together. 

Uranus is the seventh planet from the sun. Uranus's  rings are sideways. Thats because the planet is tipped over sideways. Scientists think that something hit Uranus and made it tip over. The  atmosphere on the planet is made of hydrogen, helium and methane. Methane is what gives Uranus the green and blue color. Uranus has 27 moons. 

Neptune is the 8th planet from the sun.  It was discovered in 1846 and just like Uranus it has hydrogen, helium and methane.  Neptune has at least 13 moons.  It's largest moon Triton, is made up of rock with an icy outer layer.  On Neptune it has a spot just like Jupiter but it's called the great dark spot.  It was seen my Voyager 2 in 1989 and it was gone 5 years later.

click here for the outer planets

Thursday, March 1, 2012

Black History Month

here Hello  today I am going to tell you about Black History Month. Today you will learn about the fight for education . I am also going to tell you about Mary Mcleod Bethune.

Mary Mcleod Bethune was a famous person who helped black students get a better education. She also taught black students and worked with presidents to fight to make sure every child in the U.S got a good education. Back in the 1800s, blacks could not get any education. if they did get education they could not be with whites in the same classroom. 

Mary Mcleod Bethune was the fifteenth child out of seventeen. She was the only one that was not a slave when she was born. She was not a slave because Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation. The Emancipation Proclamation helped black slaves be free. Mary was the 

Monday, February 27, 2012

Inner planets are awesome

Hello I'm back.  In my last blog I talked a little bit about inner planets. Now I am going to tell you more about them. 

Another word for inner planets are the terrestrial planets. All of the inner planets have a crust mantle and a solid inner core.The inner planets are Mercury,Venus,Earth and Mars. All of the inner planets are made of solid rock. Each inner planet can have different sizes, atmospheres, and surface.

Mercury is the smallest planet in the solar system. It is also the fastest planet that orbits around the sun. Mercury has a core made of iron and nickel.  It's large core might have been formed by a collision with a large object during it's formation. There are smooth plains and solidified lava from eruptions long ago.  There is almost no erosion on the planet and this planet has no moon. Mercury has no atmosphere.  That means there is no wind that moves energy from place to place across the planet's surface.

Venus is the second planet to the sun. It is also the hottest planet. It is hotter than mercury. I bet you did not know that. Venus is hotter than mercury because of the increased amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere which locks the heat in side. Venus used to be like earth. It once had a magnetic field like us. When the magnetic field broke the sun rays hit venus making it the hottest planet.

Earth is the third planet from the sun. Unlike Mercury and Venus it has one moon. Earth's atmosphere absorbs much of the sun's radiation and protects the surface below. Earth is the only planet with water and life.  Earth's protective atmosphere, liquid water and the planet's moderate temperature range support a variety of life.  You might have thought that Neptune had water on it but that is gas. 
Mars is the fourth planet and it has 2 moons.  These moons might be asteroids that were captured by Mars gravity.  Mars is half the size of the earth.  Many space probes have visited Mars and images of Mars show features that might be made by water. The temperature on Mars range from about -125 degrees C at the poles to about 20 degrees C at the equator.  Winds on Mars creates dusts storms that lasts for months.  The reddish color of Mars is because it's soil contains iron oxide that is a compound in rust.  Olympus Mons is a volcano that is as wide as Arizona and 3 times as high as Mount Everest.