Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Waves and tides are awesome!

  Hola I'm back. Today I am going to tell you about ocean waves and tides. I'm also going to tell you about their features and how waves and tides are caused.

Tides are the rise and the fall of the ocean's surface. They are caused by the gravitational force between the earth and the moon, and between earth and the sun. Tsunamis are close to tides. They are caused by  under water earthquakes and under water volcanoes.

There are lots of parts of a wave. Two parts of a wave are the wavelength and the wave height. The wavelength is how long the wave is and also the distance between the crest and trough of the two waves.  The wave height is the height of the wave.  The top of a wave is called the crest and the bottom of a wave is called the trough. The sea level in the wave is in the middle of the wave.
Lastly I'm going to tell you about a spring tide, a neap tide and a tidal range. A spring tide has the lowest tidal range. This happens when the earth, the moon, and the sun are in a straight line. This is similar to a high tide. The tidal range is the difference in water level between a high tide and a low tide. A neap tide has the highest tidal range. It occurs when earth, the moon and sun form a right angle.

Monday, January 16, 2012


 Hello I'm back and today I am going to tell you why oceans are salty, what the sources of the earth's oceans are, describe features of the ocean, and compare and contrast the different zones in the ocean.

The ocean covers up 70% of the earth which is a lot of water. There are 5 different oceans. The Pacific Ocean, Atlantic Ocean, Indian Ocean, Arctic Ocean, and the Antarctic Ocean. I bet your wondering why the Oceans are salty. The reason why they are salty is because when the clouds pick up water from rivers and lakes it is also picking up small amounts of mineral salts. When the cloud is full it lets out rain into the oceans to make it salty. Have you ever gone swimming in the ocean and got the water in your mouth? I guess not

There are a few sections of the ocean that I am going to tell you about. The Continental Shelf, the Continental Slope, and the Abyssal plain. The Continental Shelf is the edge of a continent that extends out under water and can extend out to about 500km. A lot of people think that the Continental Shelf is the deepest part of the ocean but its not.  The Continental Slope is the end of the continent.  The Abyssal plain is made up of sediments deposited at the bottom of the ocean floor. Not many fish live down there.  

Lastly, I'm going to tell you about the different zones of the ocean.  The Sunlight Zone is where the most sunlight is visible.  Heat from this light is responsible for the different water temperatures found in this zone.   Underneath that zone is The Twilight Zone. It is the zone were we begin to see strange and bizarre creatures that look like they have lights around their body. The next zone is the Midnight zone.  It extends to 1000 meters down to 4000 meters.  The only light in this zone is made by the creatures that live in this zone.  The creatures that live in this zone colors are black and red due to the lack of light.   The last zone is The Abyss. The water temp in the Abyss is near freezing and their is no light.  Not many creatures can be found in this zone.


Tuesday, January 3, 2012


Hola do you remember me I hope not. Well anyway I am going to blog about what I did over the break, and what I am looking forward to in 2012. Oh and by the way Happy New Year 2012.

First I am going to tell you what I did over the winter break. So the first thing that I did was go to my grandparents house in Mississippi. It was a little bit boring there. But before that it was Christmas! I didn't get a lot of presents but I did get what I wanted. The best present that I got was a Xbox 360 Kinect. 

I do not have a lot of new year resolutions. One of my resolutions is  having the Best Summer Ever!!!!!!!!! Do you want to know why It is going to the the best summer ever? because I am going to go to Jamaica then I am going to go to six flags!!!          

It's 2012!!! It's the end of the world!!!

Good bye