Tuesday, September 13, 2011


Today I am going to tell you about the tragedy on 9/11 2001. On  9/11  there were 19 highjackers that were sent by Osama Bin Laden to take over 4 airplanes. Five highjackers were in the plane in first class. When the seatbelt sign went off those five people went up in the cockpit and killed the pilots and took over the plane. They were heading to the twin towers. The first plane crashed in the north tower at 8:46 am. At 9:03 am the second plane crashed in the south tower.  The police and firefighters responded very quickly.  

There were five other highjackers that killed the flight attendants and the pilots. They were also headed to the twin towers in New York. But five others highjacked another plane and they were headed to the Pentagon in Washington D.C. At  9:37 am the plane crashed into the Pentagon.

I think the best way to remember 9/11 is to think about the fire fighters and policeman that helped some of those people getting out of the twin towers. Another way to remember 9/11 is to remember the man that planned the terror attack Osama Bin Laden.

The worst things about 9/11 are the three  passenger planes that crashed in The Twin Towers and The Pentagon. Another bad thing that happened was when the Twin Towers collapsed. Some of the best things about is that the firefighters helped people get out of the Twin Towers. Another good thing about 9/11 is on September 12th 2001 firefighters saw that there was a american flag that had holes in it from the debris from the Twin Towers. It was still on its pole at ground zero.
I think 9/11 changed america by people caring more about each other firefighters and policemen. I think people will never forget 9/11. 

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